Vision Therapy
The scope of Optometry extends far beyond simply correcting refractive errors. It entails testing and treating visual skills, as well as improving visual comfort, efficiency, and processing. Vision therapy is a field of study that is constantly expanding. It uses a variety of exercises to treat disorders like ocular accommodation, binocularity, and ocular motility from a multidisciplinary perspective. This course will cover the fundamentals of binocular vision anomalies, along with its diagnosis, treatment, and management. During this course, clinicians will learn how to successfully perform vision therapy and how to apply it in professional practice.
This course is designed for Optometrists with some prior experience who are interested in learning more about the specialty of strabismus. Our team of experts will guide you on the various tests used to evaluate strabismus, how to correlate the results, and how to effectively handle such cases in your practice. The main goal of this course is to give students a thorough understanding of all facets of managing strabismus, with the goal of improving psychosocial outcomes and vision outcomes for patients with strabismus.
Special Population
A special population is a defined as a group of individuals whose needs necessitate special consideration or attention in admission practices or service delivery. There are a variety of vision or visual perceptual issues that this population of people has that need to be quickly identified and managed. Hence, this course is made specifically for optometrists to equip them with knowledge and skills about the activities of the population, their ocular and developmental issues, and how to manage the special needs of this most vulnerable group. Additionally, clinicians will receive guidance on specific skills needed to collaborate successfully with various special populations.
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